Friday, June 22, 2012

A New Little Lee!

The biggest, sweetest reason I haven't had time to write on my blog!

I am pregnant!  We found out at the end of February, and we are thrilled!  I was almost constantly nauseated for about 15 weeks.  It was exhausting for me to feel so bad and to try and take care of the girls everyday, so blogging and a lot of other things (like laundry for example) had to be put on the back burner :).  

Big Sisters!  I made these onesies for the girls to announce our big news at my birthday party in March.  I think they are the cutest pair of big sisters ever!

Our first ultra sound - just one baby in there this time, and we couldn't be more excited!  We had so many ultra sounds with the girls, it has been strange to have had to wait so long to get to take a peek and see this little one.  Our next ultra sound is on July 3 - we will get to find out if we're having a boy or a girl.  It's fun to hear everyone's guesses on this.  We'd love to have a boy, but we know the joy of having little girls, so either way we're just excited!

Almost 10 Weeks, just starting to show a little!

17 Weeks, definitely showing!

20 Weeks this week, halfway there, livin' on a prayer!  

Overall, I have been feeling really great!  A pregnancy with one baby is just so different than a multiple pregnancy.  My weight gain has been very gradual, and overall, this has been much easier on my body.  I am having some pelvic pain again, and my midwife has suggested that I get a pregnancy support belt.  I resisted this during my pregnancy with the girls, but I am pretty sure that I will be getting one this time.  It got so bad with the girls that I wasn't able to walk sometimes!  This is not really an option when trying to keep up with 21 month old twins.  :) 

We are so excited about this new little one!  The excitement is much different than it was with the girls. I guess that's because we have lived through 21 months with the girls, and we know all of the wonderful things that are in store for us with this sweet baby.  

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