Thursday, July 19, 2012

22 Months!

Today Naomi and Evelyn are 22 months old!  I cannot believe how incredibly close we are to having two-two year olds!  They are so busy all the time.  

They love to sing and dance, color, pretend to talk on the phone (into the most surprising devices, like quesadillas for example!), read, read, read, and play on their slide and in their tunnel.  They really enjoy going to the beach, to Target, story time, and breakfast with our sweet girl friends!  

My one friend Jana has a three year old named Abi, and my girls are completely obsessed with her.  They actually call all three year old girls "Abi"!  So sweet!

The girls are so much fun right now, they repeat everything we say - even when we don't realize they're listening, and they're realizing how fun it is to say or do something just to make Mommy and Daddy laugh!  

They are becoming more and more opinionated about things, especially food - this makes most meals pretty interesting, and we're trying to be creative in order to be patient and to continue to teach them about eating healthfully.  I would say that the eating situation is probably the most challenging thing for me.  I have to pray a lot during meal times!

The girls were getting pretty impatient waiting on dinner the other night, so I let them "help" me make biscuits.  That little distraction was well worth the mess we had to clean up afterward!

We've had a really fun summer so far with the girls, and we're trying to soak in every minute of our time with them before the baby brother arrives.  

I love watching the girls learn and grow and mature each day, but with that comes the reminder of how quickly time passes. 

Happy 22 months to my baby girls - here's to 22 months of parenting with my favorite guy!